Our regional groups represent our memebers locally throughout Germany! They bring our members together in their states to help them network and share regional challenges.
Michael Eder Deputy head
CEO & Founder Kenbun IT AG
Tobias Oberrauch Deputy Head
Founder AI Pioneers
Regional groups
Alexander Thamm Head
CEO & Founder Alexander Thamm GmbH
Lucas Spreiter Head
Founder Unetiq GmbH
Dagmar Schuller Deputy head (Political Affairs)
CEO & Founder audEERING GmbH
Thomas Kinkeldei Deputy head (SMEs)
Founder ROKIN GmbH
Prof. Dr. Patrick Glauner Deputy head (Academia)
Professor for Artificial Intelligence, Technische Hochschule Deggendorf
Nicole Formica-Schiller Deputy head (Media & Public)
CEO & Founder Pamanicor Health AG
Vlad Ardelean Member Support and Coordination
Senior Principal Data Scientist Alexander Thamm GmbH
Regional groups
Gero Keil Head
Founder colabel GmbH
Nicole Büttner Deputy head
CEO & Founder Merantix Labs GmbH
Alexander Müller Deputy head
CTO & Founder Workist GmbH
Regional groups
North (MV, SH, HH)
Dr. Vanessa Just Head
Founder & CEO juS.TECH AG
Tobias Bohnhoff Deputy head
Founder Appanion Labs GmbH
Ragnar Kruse Deputy head
CEO AI Invest & AI for Hamburg GmbH
Regional groups
North-West (HB, NDS)
Dr. Vanessa Just Head
Founder & CEO juS.TECH AG
Jascha Stein Head
CEO & Founder OmniBot GmbH
Regional groups
North Rhine-Westphalia
Christoph Lieth Head
Founder & CEO operaize GmbH
Dr. Markus Franke Head
CEO valculus GmbH
Ramin Karbalaie Deputy head
CEO NAIX Technologies GmbH
Regional groups
South-West (HE, RLP, SL)
Tobias Manthey Head
CEO Evotegra GmbH
Thomas Bader Deputy head
CTO & Head of AI Labs AGT International GmbH
Matthias Chalupa Deputy head
Project manager Treuenfels GmbH
Marcel Isbert Deputy head
AI Manager at STATWORX & member of the Artificial Intelligence Alliance of the European Commission