German AI Association and Joint European Disruptive Initiative partner for European digital Sovereignty
The KI Bundesverband (German AI Association) and the Joint European Disruptive Initiative (JEDI), the European ARPA, signed a strategic partnership to drive innovation in Artificial Intelligence to promote European digital sovereignty and a democracy-supporting digital ecosystem. The collaboration includes joint efforts to develop Large European AI Models (LEAM), participation of KI Bundesverband in JEDI’s Moonshot Committees […]
German AI Association publishes statement on the German government’s startup strategy
The German government wants to strengthen Germany as a startup location and is currently developing a targeted startup strategy in consultation with all stakeholders. The German AI Association is also involved in the consultation process. In our current position paper, we comment in detail on the most important topics: Expand financing instruments and close gaps […]
German AI Association celebrates 4th birthday
What started in 2018 with 60 members has evolved over the past years into an important voice in the German AI ecosystem with now almost 400 members. We are proud project partners of well-known initiatives of the German digital scene like Open GPT-X, LEAM or the AI Innovation Park. At the birthday party at the […]
117 million euros for eleven Gaia-X lighthouse projects: Parliamentary State Secretary Brantner hands over funding decisions
Berlin, 28.02.2022 The eleven winning consortia of the Gaia-X funding competition – including the OpenGPT-X project of the German AI Association – can get started: Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection Dr. Franziska Brantner has handed them their funding notifications. The Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection […]
German AI Association (KI Bundesverband) calls on European Parliament to act promptly on EU AI Act
Berlin, 09.02.2022 The German AI Association (KI Bundesverband) expresses its concern with the developments to date with regard to Artificial Intelligence (AI) regulation in the European Union. Since the publication of the EU Commission’s proposal in April 2021, some things have happened, but far from enough. Currently, the regulatory proposal is at the European Parliament, […]
Statement on the coalition agreement
Now that the coalition negotiations have come to an end and the new coalition has published its plans, we comment on them and take a critical look at the plans regarding AI and innovation in Germany. Our statementThe coalition agreement addresses many important topics and is already forward-looking in this respect. For example, the promotion […]
Presentation of the investment paper
On the occasion of the constitution of the new German government, our investment network has published a position paper summarizing seven recommendations for action to improve the financing of the AI ecosystem in Germany and the EU. They are intended to provide the German government with recommendations for action for the financing of the European […]
New board of directors elected
The German AI Association has a new board. At the general meeting on 26.11.2021, the members of Germany’s largest AI network elected new heads to head the association. In addition to the previous board members Jörg Bienert and Rasmus Rothe, Nicole Formica-Schiller, Dr. Vanessa Just and Dr. Sven J. Körner were elected to the board. […]
Go-ahead for the European AI language model OpenGPT-X
Press statement of the German AI Association on the launch of OpenGPT-X20.01.2022 Ten German organizations from business, science and the media industry are developing the European answer to GPT-3. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection is funding the OpenGPT-X project with around 15 million euros. Led by the Fraunhofer Institutes for […]
Study „Startups and Artificial Intelligence – Innovationn meets Responsibility“
The German Startups Association and Hubraum, Deutsche Telekom’s tech incubator, have joined forces with us to present and publish the study on innovation and responsibility for AI and startups in Germany. KEY RESULTS STARTUPS PUT AI INTO PRACTICEFor 43% of German startups, AI has a clear impact on their business model. AI startups are pioneers […]